Daily Infused Waters: Apple Cinnamon & Blueberry Orange

by Brandie
Apple Cinnamon Water & Orange Blueberry Water

Daily Water Infusion Ideas

Here are a couple of water infusion ideas. I’m going to be adding my favorite ones every Monday! I just started adding different types of fruit and herb variations to my water it keep it exciting and it’s way better for your skin than drinking juice. This way adds nutrients and it looks really pretty 🙂

Apple Cinnamon

  • 1-2 sticks of cinnamon
  • 1/2 an apple.

Apple Cinnamon water

Blueberry Orange Water

  • 1/2 Orange
  • 1/2 cup of blueberries.

Blueberry Orange Water


I usually let these infuse in the fridge overnight but all they really need is at least 4 hours! I then drink them in the morning. It’s so nice to wake up to a refreshing, bright, and flavorful drink. You can even add chia, hemp, or flax seeds!

Chia seeds in water

Chia Seeds

These seeds add fiber and protein which help keep you full!

You can use a 32-48oz container of water at a time and you can refill the container 2-3 times before the fruit loses flavors!

It’s really easy to drink all this water super fast because it taste so good so I usually make more than one different kind every night.




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1 comment

Great Food May 26, 2016 - 11:30 am

More good stuff. I

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