The Remy Sparkler

by Brandie

A Good Times Good Eats staple drink the Remy Sparkler 🍾

remy sparkler

Tell me if I’m crazy, actually, don’t tell me I already know. Mixing Remy and champagne? I’ve been drinking this for a while now and just started adding blueberries and lime to it makes me NEED to share this drink. Even if it is crazy. YOU SHOULD DO THIS. Trust me.
remy sparkler

You can either let the blueberries sit in the cognac for a few hours, if you have the time.

Or a second option is to muddle the blueberries with cognac then strain the juice into a glass. This is better if you are preparing this for right away consumption. Plus the second way gives you more blueberry flavor.
The blueberries add a natural sweetness so much light, fruity flavor and they they look great in the glass. I like to let the blueberries sit for a while, while the champagne gets cold.

Choosing to muddle the blueberries a bit then straining the juice will speed up the infusion process and add extra blueberry flavor. And you can always add blueberries on the bottom for a nice looking addition.

remy sparkler
A squeeze of lime for a refreshing twist.
Topped off with the champagne of your choice and tadah! A easy drink that looks super fancy especially if served in a flute.

remy sparkler

People will absolutely love you for this drink and since I like to focus on being balanced this drink even has some health benefits because of the blueberries.

You can tell that to yourself if it makes you feel better about having more than one glass. 

remy sparkler
Let me know if this Remy Sparkler works for you guys and in what setting you would like to enjoy this drink? Would you serve this to friends at a gathering or would you prefer to make this for a night in by yourself?
remy sparkler

I’ve made this drink so many times since I first decided to mix these ingredients. It has a kick, is easy to make, and everyone that has tried it loves it so it’s a crowd pleaser!

[ultimate-recipe id=”419″ template=”default”]

Have fun!

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Tillie March 24, 2016 - 12:25 am

SO excited to try this drink!

Brandie March 24, 2016 - 12:54 am

I know you’ll like iittt

Great Food March 24, 2016 - 10:23 am

I’ll have to try this and let u know what I think.

Brandie March 25, 2016 - 3:31 am

Awesome!! Can’t wait to hear 😄

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