Corn Chowder ft. Sweet Potatoes

by Brandie

 YUMMY Smokey Vegan Sweet Potato Corn Chowder

Vegan corn chowder 3

I love love lovveee corn chowder and I can never find it anywhere! So once again I have a perfect opportunity to make some yummy corn chowder myself!

Vegan corn chowder ingredients 2

Using sweet potatoes and nutritional yeast ,versus, the regular white potatoes and cream. I put a healthy twist to this Corn Chowder giving it a slight sweet and cheesy taste.

Sooo what is Nutritional Yeast it’s not like a regular yeast you would to make bread it doesn’t have a rising effect. BUT what it DOES do is add a cheesy umami flavor and it’s also chock full of b vitamins, folic acid and 3 grams of protein in 1 tablespoon! That will only cost you 20 calories. Also being gluten free, sugar free, and vegan it has all the bases covered. So add it in any dish that needs a creamy base and it’ll do that job. It’s pretty amazing so I’m happy I found it! Nutritional yeast can be hard to find so you can order it here if you want it delivered to your door. Or head over to a health food store and ask for it.

Adding liquid smoke adds to the flavor it’s great when you’re opting not to use bacon in a recipe. So add that in for extra flavor and you will love it!


Uncooked sweet potatoes, corn, and freshly sautéed sweet onions.Vegan corn chowder dry ingredients

Chopping up chives to sprinkle on top not only adds to the flavor but looks really pretty! I added some vegan cheese to the top because I love that stuff, Daiya makes the best!

Topping with crushed red pepper gives this dish some heat while warming up all flavors.

This soup may be kept frozen for when you need a quick meal or can be an easy addition to your meal prepping.

Vegan corn chowder 2

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Marissa Z. February 10, 2016 - 1:09 am

The smoke flavor really adds that extra taste that makes this even better than I was expecting.

Brandie February 10, 2016 - 1:10 am

I love it!!

Jeff G. February 10, 2016 - 3:18 pm

I must admit I loved this one myself.

Jeff G. February 10, 2016 - 3:19 pm

Great job on this recipe.

Brandie February 10, 2016 - 3:32 pm

Thank you Jeff!

Ariel February 14, 2016 - 7:21 pm

I’m not even vegan but this sounds and looks extra warming I’ll probably try making this because I really do need to try new things!

Brandie February 14, 2016 - 7:24 pm

It’s really worth trying and the best part is you don’t have to be vegan to try it either! Lol

Tillie March 11, 2016 - 6:38 am

DDAAANNNGGG even non vegans like me would love this. I’m going to pick up some nutritional yeast asap. Thank you and this looks very good, great pics!

Brandie March 11, 2016 - 6:47 am

Nutritional yeast! Is such a stable I use it in as many recipes as I can

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