Coffee for beauty

by Brandie
Coffee picture

I start my day with so many different drinks

 1) celery juice

2) my morning detox tea.

3) wheat grass

4) the most comforting is my coffee.

But it’s not just any coffee. This cup of coffee is full of beautifying superfoods. With these additions you can create a drink that helps your skin glow and help your body and brain perform optimally.

I chose these favorites because they mix well in coffee. Particularly one with cereal/ caramel tasting notes. Which is what I like to drink.

Cacao powder:

This one almost seems too good to be true. The fact that there are so many health benefits in cocoa powder and it’s what chocolate is made from!

Cacao powder protects cells from aging due to it being high in antioxidants. Cacao powder also helps with insulin resistance. 

Cacao is also a good source for fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium

Studies also show the cacao lowers your risk of stroke and heart attack.

Not only does coffee help you stay focused but when adding cacao powder you are getting improved cognition, which is basically your ability to learn. So chocolate, at least in its purest form, cacao is actually truly good for you.

Cacao is also a good source for:

  •  fiber
  •  magnesium
  •  iron
  •  calcium
  •  and potassium


Maca root powder.

I have been taking this the longest. For 9 years now. I first heard of maca root powder when I was looking for a way to help with the fatigue I was experiencing. This seemed to help me so I haven’t stopped taking it since. Because Maca Root Powder has a nutty flavor, at first, it was difficult finding a good way to consume it. I tried everything from mixing it in milk, water, and smoothies. My favorite way is in coffee with milk. 


I found this supplement when looking for something to improve my mood. Mucuna Pruriens contains L-Dopa which is the precursor to dopamine. Which means it converts into dopamine. A lack of dopamine can lead to depression. So I figure I add some into my life to keep that at bay. 

  • Also decrease cellulite
  • Increased energy 
  • Improves skin texture 

Mushroom Extract Mix

Reishi: improve your sleep 

Lions mane: heightens your focus

Maitake: boost your immune system 

 so based on all of that I just decided to get all of these powerful mushrooms and put them in this “coffee” as well. 

Pine Bark

Now obviously I love researching supplements and finding natural ways to improve my body and brain. I recently heard about Pinebark! I read that Pinebark is great for reducing cramping caused by exercise induced oxidative stress. This makes it great post workout out for muscle pain and recovery. I am not a athlete by any means and I cramp often when working out so I need all the help I can get!

To round out my fabulous team here is Ceylon cinnamon. I love the taste of cinnamon the smell of cinnamon and the benefits of cinnamon. Cinnamon is great for stabilizing blood sugar and actually slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in your digestive tract. I love sprinkling this on top of everything I can because I want all the benefits I can get and it makes for great food and drink adorning. 

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Larry B. May 28, 2020 - 1:05 am

I’ve always wanted to know, which do you recommend, fresh bean or can ready coffee?
And is it much difference in price?

Brandie May 28, 2020 - 11:42 am

I drink coffee from k cups or Nespresso pods during the week because they save time but my favorite is fresh ground coffee. It takes longer to make so I usually only make it during the weekend. Fresh ground coffee is also more cost effective! 😁.

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